Help! Can anyone help me convert the csv file to excel

my csv file contains the same column, so when use read csv Activity it report errors …but i use BalaReva.Csv to excel Activity. it seems doesn’t work, and it reports
Csv To Excel: Method not found: “Void BalaReva.Excel.Base.ExcelCore.InitWorkSheet()”.


The following post might help you.


Thank you … I’m new to Uipath, is there an easier way to do it? or do you how to use the Activity csv to excel?

Hey! Follow the below steps!!!

  1. Read CSV by using ReadCSV Activity OutputVariable DtOut
    2.Excel Application Scope - Mention the file path
    3.Inside the scope take WriteRange(From Excel) Activity
    4 .Mention the DataTable DtOut

I hope this will works for you.

Thanks & Regards

Thank you for help ,bro. But when the Activity goes to the Read CSV,then it reports errors right away…

Can you show me the error?

Thanks & Regards

Read CSV: The column named “Additional information” already belongs to this DataTable.

Are you using BuildDataTable between the ReadCSV and WriteRange?

if possible please share your workflow

Thanks & Regards