Hello, i need some help with Microsoft Outlook

I am using Outlook activity and in sided for each mail activity the automation works fine but the problem is that the Bot handle the requests from the newly received not the oldest and it should do the oboist the bot should handle the requests the arrived first but instead it take the first email, and the ones have sent first keep in hold. and they will keep in hold because the email keeps coming. what should I do


Use Get Outlook Mail Messages activity to get the emails and Change OrderByDate to OldestFirst

This activity will return you List of Mail Messages which you need to pass it to For Each Email activity.

Sample Workflow:
FoReachDemo.xaml (10.2 KB)

Ashok :slight_smile:

I am not using get outlook massage activity i am using outlook desktop app directly

Do i have to use it or there is another way


I don’t think there is any option to order by oldest to fist using For Each Email activity as it’s designed to just iterate through all the emails.

I would advise to use the approach I suggested.

Ashok :slight_smile:

your approach is working fine but there is some activity is affected as i am using move email to another folder in the mail box but i got this error as following


Add Use Desktop Outlook App activity and put your Move Email activity inside it.

Ashok :slight_smile:

i did it but i have got different error


It seems there is one additional step we will have to take here. We will have to get the Email through Id and then pass that email as object to the Move Email activity like this.

Ashok :slight_smile:

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Thanks for your time and support

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You are welcome :slight_smile:

Ashok :slight_smile:

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