Hello everyone. I just want to ask how to find the robotids

I tried to use the ochestrator api, but for the first step, I just failed in the swagger site.

I am not sure if any information here was filled in a wrong way.

I got the robotid through https://platform.uipath.com/odata/Robots
I am not sure if the ID here is robot id or not.
or maybe the error was caused by some other information.

I would appreciate it if anyone could help me on it! thank you very much
Thank you very much!

ps: if anyone could also explain the meaning of strategy, it would be really helpful.

Hi @sheryl00, it looks like you filing it correctly. Could you try copying the Example Value, just edit the release key and start your job? Try to see whether the error still exist.

For the strategy, there is 3 different strategy ALL, SPECIFIC and ROBOT COUNT as specified here.

Strategy (string, optional):
States which robots from the environment are being run by the process.
= [‘All’, ‘Specific’, ‘RobotCount’]stringEnum:“All”, “Specific”, “RobotCount”

All will trigger all the robots assigned to the environment of the process to run the job
Specific will trigger only specific robot(s) assigned to the environment of the process to run the job. This is where you have to specific the Robot Id(s).
Robot Count will trigger specified number of robot(s) assigned to the environment of the process to run the job. This is where you have to specific NoOfRobots.

Hope this helps. :slight_smile:

Hello quihan, thank you very much for your help!

I tried it out, but the response doesn"t change, it still shows that there is no content.


Although is 400, your job should be started. Is it running?

no…actually, nothing happened

Hi @sheryl00, try this.

“startInfo”: {
“ReleaseKey”: “{REPLACE}”,
“Strategy”: “All”,
“RobotIds”: ,
“NoOfRobots”: 0,
“Source”: “Manual”


Since you are using swagger, are you logged in to your orchestrator in other tab?

yes, I tried several get api, they are all succeed.

That is strange. Lets try copying the Example Value in Swagger. Replace your ReleaseKey and empty the RobotIds. Hope it works

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