Having an issue getting an arrow to be selected

IN this application I have arrows and the trigger a slide down menu I have tried a click activity and also a CV click and nothing seems to work. image
Here is the selector data

I have tried using a wildcard and that did not work.

webctrl src=‘navigation.html?knowledgenow=&releasenote=’ tag=‘IFRAME’ /
webctrl src=‘…/…/…/EchoAngular/ProviderTreeview/ProviderTreeview.aspx’ tag=‘IFRAME’ /
webctrl idx=‘1’ parentid=‘tree-container_providers_11246973_tv_active’ tag=‘SPAN’ /

Hi @jeff.shubzda

What element are you trying to click? The Arrow or the folder?

I would try two things:
Open “UiExplorer” and get the selectors from there. You will have improved selector options.
If you are still having trouble - try using an “Anchor Base” activity.



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