Gsuite activities in Studio Web

Subsequently I found that Path.Combine does not work even from Assistant.

In the example that works, I set Path.Combine in the Copy File activity as follows:


I then modified it to work as follows:

var fileNm = Result->Name
var fileExtn = Result->Extension

And modified Path.Combine to be:

Path.Combine(“C:/Users/Public/Documents/StudioWebArea/MyGoogleDrive_Files”, fileNm+“.”+fileExtn)

And yet, the Automation failed from Assistant despite the file path being formed correctly:

However, if I remove path.combine and replace the file path with a regular string expression as shown below, it works and the file is copied over to the location as expected.

"C:/Users/Public/Documents/StudioWebArea/MyGoogleDrive_Files/"+ fileNm+"."+fileExtn