Groupby and find the highest value

I am having an excel attached Highest.xlsx (9.7 KB)
where the input sheet image
The sheet contain duplicate loom ID details and i want only those rows having highest “Work” value.

For example - “234” having the highest Work value 2345, so keep only that row and same for other loom id’s.

and output sheet image

Please help

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dict = dt.AsEnumerable().GroupBy(
Function(row) row.Field(Of Double)("Loom ID").ToString).ToDictionary(
Function(g) g.Key, Function(g) g.AsEnumerable.Max(Function (row) CInt(row("Work").ToString)).ToString)

And make sure the column name in excel is ‘Work’ not 'Work '.
dict is a Dictionary of String, String in my example. If you need other datatypes, feel free to ask

@Yurii_Horobets after applying the assign activity (as shared by you), how would i get the required output in datatable form …can you please help ?

I am sharing the file here Main.xaml (6.5 KB)

Do you need every row with max Work or only one?
The output should be

@Yurii_Horobets i only want one row with max output …as you explained in first condition
i.e. output should be

but the output should be in the format shared in the excel output sheet

Main.xaml (10.4 KB)
Build Data Table (for output)
dict = dt.AsEnumerable().GroupBy(
Function(row) row.Field(Of Double)("Loom ID").ToString).ToDictionary(
Function(g) g.Key, Function(g) g.AsEnumerable.Max(Function (row) CInt(row("Work").ToString)).ToString)
For Each item in dict {
tempdatarow = dt.AsEnumerable.Where(Function (row) row(“Loom ID”).ToString.Equals(item.Key) and row(“Work”).ToString.Equals(item.Value)).CopyToDataTable.Rows(0)
Add Data Row: tempdatarow to outputDT


Thanks a lot @Yurii_Horobets but when i am using the code on my real data it is showing the error

“Assign: Specified cast is not valid.” - on the dict assign activity.

In my real data Loom ID is of string type and Work is of Double type

Can you suggest any changes…?

Main.xaml (10.7 KB)

@Yurii_Horobets Thanks for your support but the error still exist …is there any other thing i am missing …

My actual data has some additional columns other than shared one’s.

Feel free to adjust datatables to your format. Solution should not crash

@Yurii_Horobets thanks for help

I got the situation why error is coming

In Loom ID column …my dummy values are like “123”,“13”, etc. all numeric form but my actual values are like “L0123”,“M2323”.

When i replaced the values with numeric one’s the workflow worked but in actual loom id values it is giving the above mentioned error.

Can you suggest what should i change now ?

Thanks for help in advance

Main.xaml (10.6 KB)

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Thanks for the solution @Yurii_Horobets…it worked

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