In this current project, I need to do group by invoice number and sum of debit amount column and then i have to compare it with other excel sheet’s debit amount and update the status if found.
invoice number Debit status
12345 500rs
12345 100rs
12345 400rs
Excel 2
invoice number Debit
12345 1000rs
invoice number Debit status
12345 500rs Found
12345 100rs
12345 400rs
I need to do the sum of all debit amounts for invoice number 12345 in excel1, then search for same invoice number 12345 in excel2 and compare respective debit amount. if match found, then update status on excel1.
please help me with
how to do group by and sum and then compare with second excel file.
Read both Excel files using the Read Range activity to store the data in two separate DataTable variables, let’s call them dtExcel1 and dtExcel2.
Use the Group By function to group the data in dtExcel1 by the “invoice number” column and calculate the sum of the “Debit” column. This will create a new DataTable with the grouped data.
Dim dtGrouped As DataTable = dtExcel1.AsEnumerable() _
.GroupBy(Function(row) row.Field(Of String)(“invoice number”)) _
.Select(Function(group) New With {
.InvoiceNumber = group.Key,
.TotalDebit = group.Sum(Function(row) Convert.ToDecimal(row.Field(Of String)(“Debit”)))
}) _
Iterate through the rows of dtGrouped using a For Each Row activity.
Inside the loop, use the Select method to find the corresponding row in dtExcel2 where the “invoice number” matches the current row in dtGrouped. If a match is found, update the “status” column in dtExcel1 accordingly.
Dim invoiceNumber As String = row.Field(Of String)(“InvoiceNumber”)
Dim debitAmount As Decimal = Convert.ToDecimal(row.Field(Of String)(“TotalDebit”))
Dim matchingRow As DataRow = dtExcel2.Select(“invoice number = '” & invoiceNumber & “'”).FirstOrDefault()
If matchingRow IsNot Nothing AndAlso Convert.ToDecimal(matchingRow(“Debit”)) = debitAmount Then
row.SetField(“status”, “Found”)
End If
( From row In DtExcel.AsEnumerable
Group row By k=row(“Invoice Number”).ToString.Trim
Into grp=Group
Let cs = grp.Sum(Function(x) CDbl(x(“Debit”).ToString.Trim))
Select DtResult.Rows.Add({k, cs.ToString})
This is working for test data where i have only 2columns(VNO, Debit) but when i consider original file which has few more columns in between, its not working.
please help me with this.
I just need to do get sum by doing group by of invoice number(VNO) if present multiple invoice numbers,if not distinct ones should take the respective debit values only.
Use a build datatable and build the dtresult with two columns both as string type…
If you use dtorig.clone…it needs all columns…as we dont need all in output only two are included and statement given will give datatable with two columns output …first invoice and second sum …converted to string
Notmally read the data into dtorig…and then build a datatable for dtresult with two columns and the above expression will load the grouped data into the dtresult…
So from excel you will get 10 columns may be…after grouping as you need only invoice nd sum the dtresult will contain only those two…its a transformed table
Above are the 3 columns i need from original excel file.
out of which, first i need to filter by VNO column and then group by Ins.Tax Invoice and do the sum of debit amount and then compare with other excel sheet.
If you want to do by group by statement all at once…then I want to understand vno as well…like if you filter on vno ideally you would get only one or teo rows…so is it like you want to group by vno and invoice? And then get sum of combination or group by?
If so use like this
( From row In DtExcel.AsEnumerable Group row By k=row(“Invoice Number”).ToString.Trim,k1=row("vno").ToString.Trim Into grp=Group Let cs = grp.Sum(Function(x) CDbl(x(“Debit”).ToString.Trim)) Select DtResult.Rows.Add({k, k1,cs.ToString}) ).CopyToDataTable
Now in build have 3 columns and now group by considers combination of both columns
I did not get this exactly.Please can you explain in brief.
Since i want to do group by with having all columns in the datatable,because at the end, i have to write this datatable back to csv file with updated status .
I have a debit column in excel1 whose values are printing as 2940,1750,2000 like so…
another excel sheet whose debit column whose values are printing as -2,940.00,-1,750.00,-2,000.00 like so
both are string datatypes.
when im tryng to compare these two columns, I should get “YES” as the value is same even if it contains “-”, or “,” in between.