Could you please present any method to group a DataRow by all its columns ?
Thank you in advance.
Could you please present any method to group a DataRow by all its columns ?
Thank you in advance.
We can start by:
TableList | List(of DataTable) =
(From d in dtDataVar.AsEnumerable
Let jk = String.Join("_", d.ItemArray.Select(Function (x) x.ToString.Trim))
Group d by k=jk into grp=Group
Select t = grp.CopyToDataTable).ToList
and will get a list of datatable, where each table represents a group with its members
Maybe you can elaborate more about your case with some sample data
Well one scenario could be removing dulplicate rows by avoiding the built-in activity.
what is meant in detail?
(From d in dtDataVar.AsEnumerable
Let jk = String.Join("_", d.ItemArray.Select(Function (x) x.ToString.Trim))
Group d by k=jk into grp=Group
Select r = grp.First()).CopyToDataTable
Perfect. Thank you @ppr.
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