Googlespreadsheet insert column





<html app='chrome.exe' title='*Google Sheets' /><webctrl tag='SPAN' css-selector='.goog-menuitem-content span[aria-label=&quot;Column right o&quot;]' />

Hi @rena168

You can use G suit activities to easily work with google sheets just like the way you would work with normal excel spreadsheets


Hi,Thanks your answer.
I used this click’s Selector,but can not find this selector.
I used GSuite to write Google spreadsheet, so i have a nother ider.
I make a google apps sripts,so Google spereadsheet has a new button.
I use uipath to click this button to add a new column.
If you ok,can you tell me your that click’s Selector?



I click topbar’s insert’s menu same you’menu.
4’th has column right.

I hope your request.

This selector should work for Click activity as I just tested:

"<html app='chrome.exe' title='*Google Sheets' /><webctrl tag='SPAN' css-selector='.goog-menuitem-content span[aria-label^=&quot;Column right&quot;]' />"

Use simulate click property.

By the way, my version of UiPath is 2018.4.4

Oh really?
My uipath version is 2019.4.3
I will try yours.

I must to add right column to AV’s column.
I select AV column and to click menubar’s column right.
How can i focus to AV any cell?

You can use Attach Browser and then use Send Hotkey inside. Check the Ctrl option and select “right” to Key. This should send you to the last column.

See my first post Googlespreadsheet insert column - #2 by brunoazev.

`<html app='chrome.exe' title='*Google スプレッドシート' /><webctrl css-selector='body&gt;div&gt;div&gt;div&gt;div&gt;div&gt;div&gt;div&gt;div' idx='3' parentid='1059297627-static-overlay-container' tag='DIV' />

My Selector Edit,different yours.
I write your selector’s,but can not find selector.

I got it !
your answer it OK!
Thank so muth!

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your answer must to open Google spreadsheet.
But I use GSuite activity, i dont open Google spreadsheet can i to add right column?

Correct. The solution I proposed was using the browser and having the Google Spreadsheet opened. I haven’t used the GSuite so don’t know the steps to make it work on it.


Bruno Costa.

All right!
Thanks so much!

In case my solution worked, I appreciate you marking it as so.
