GoogleOCR : Error performing OCR: TessErrorLoadEngine : UiPath

Issue :
Source : Google OCR
Message Error performing OCR : TessErrorLoadEngine

Reason :
You trying to read a different language

Solution :
Try the below:

  1. Please download the required language pack from below link:
    GitHub - tesseract-ocr/tessdata at 3.04.00
  2. Save the file in below path:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\UiPath Studio\tessdata
    C:\Program Files (x86)\UiPath\Studio\tessdata
  3. Restart Ui Path studio.
  4. You will get particular language in dropdown while doing Screen Scraping and alternatively the list provided can also be used as list for the language codes (for eg. eng->English)

Hi All,

We have a code for extracting details from image/PDF using Google OCR.The code is working fine in local machine.

When we run the same code in remote machine we are getting below error message even though required language package is present in tessdata folder.

Source : Google OCR
Message Error performing OCR : TessErrorLoadEngine

Please help us to resolve the issue.

Many thanks in advance.


Si no tengo la carpeta TESSDATA puedo crear la carpeta y colocar los archivo de lenguaje alli?