Go To URL or Navigate browser Activity Not Working 'Go To URL: Could not determine the browser tab on which to navigate'

When i use Go To URL or Navigate browser activity within “use application/browser scope” it throws the following error “Could not determine the browser tab on which to navigate” I dont understand what actually it means. Can somebody please help me in this


Hi @Vishnu_Pradhaban

If your query is when clicking any element in the main webpage if is redirecting to another webpage.

If yes, Then use another use application\browser activity and indicate the redirected webpage.
Change the properties for use application\browser activity as below

  • Close → Always
  • Open → If Not open
  • Application instance → Single window

Hope it helps!!

I have used “IfNotOpen”, but this didn’t solve my problem here.
my problem is with navigate browser activity. It says “Could not determine the browser tab on which to navigate’”. I dont understand what exactly it means

Don’t use navigate browser instead of using navigate browser to navigate from one tab to another.
Use the Open application\browser activity to redirect to the redirected webpage.

Hope you Understand!!