someone tell me this error
You need to use .ToString("MM/dd/yyyy")
Also what is latestdate?
Is it a datarow type?
Because you are giving latestdate("Column")
How about the following expression?
if(Double.TryParse(latestdate("Column-2").ToString,New Double), DateTime.FromOADate(Double.Parse(latestdate("Column-2").ToString)).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"),CDate(latestdate("Column-2")).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"))
yes it is datarow
@Anil_G you only gave me this expression bro
I beleive the left variable is a data type…please change it to string…out_LatestDate
If you want as date then you can remvoe .ToString(…) completely from both expressions
For reference… Expression is little different without .ToString only