Getting the duplicate vaues by comparing date from datatable

Hi All,

I have to take the greater date record name if there is any duplicate valueCapture .
Can anyone @badita @vvaidya @aksh1yadav @Florent_Salendres @arivu96 please help me here.

Its bit urgent
Thank you

filterDT = origDT.AsEnumerable.GroupBy(Function(r) New With {Key.Record = r("Task Record Number")}).Select(Function (g) g.OrderByDescending(Function(r) r("Extended Date")).First()).CopyToDataTable()

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Hi @vvaidya,

Thanks for sharing the above but am facing some issues while writing copy to datatable method,
is it possible to share sample xaml file for this?

thank you

Keep typing…don’t look at intellisense. Let’s see if you still get the error.

Thanks @vvaidya. It worked for me.
I am trying to compare the dates with the current date. but somewhere its showing wrong data.
As per the condition, if the duedate is less than current date then it should show current date and if its greatrthan due date then it should show due date. but its giving reverse output
Kindly help
Can you please help here

testhh.xaml (14.0 KB)