Hello all, I’m stuck in a use case where I have to extract chats from WhatsApp into excel for T-1 day. I thought of use Get Attribute Activity and came to a conclusion that we can extract the date from WhatsApp chat, then convert it to date-time data type. But I’m stuck as to how to extract the chats.
@Anil_G it is using web browser. So far I have been able to extract chats right from to time when the group was formed till latest chats. But instead of extracting chats from the start I have to only extract T-1 day’s chats.
I am attaching screenshot for your reference,
→ For example consider today’s date is 21/12/2022 and these are today’s chats
If todaya date or t-1 date is present or not we can verify vy opening the chat…use mouse scroll activity in combination with element exists inside a while loop…
So we will loop thrpugh and perform mouse scroll till the date ribbon is identified…(use a dunamic selector in elment exists/check app stae activity to identify the current date ribbon)
Once it is done…We can try gettings the messages starting from the next message present…
To get may be we have to identify a selector which in relation with the date so that the next mesaage after dtae cna be identified
Hope this gives you and idea…please try and let us know if you find any blockers…