Getting login error

Can any one let me know I am login to the portal initial enter the credentials and click on login. But due to the network speed portal taking time to login. But As you can see in the green bar there is a procesing icon. But my bot throw error on the next activity after Login. How to wait a bot perform the next activity when login successfully. Please help.,

Hi @balkishan,
You can use Delay activity or set Delay Before option on your Click activity :wink:

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@Pablito Yes you can use a delay, but the internet speed may not be consistent and might take longer than the delay sometimes.

@balkishan I suggest you use “Element Exist” activity to check if the login was successful and run the next activity only when that element has been found.


hello @balkishan

you can use onElement Appear to check login successfully then proceed next activity

Happy Automation


Hi @balkishan

You can use simple do-while condition:
element exits: Home screen
}while(element exists=False)

Note: it should not go to endless loop, recommended to have a counter inside.
Or you can achieve this in a flowchart having some counter to send the exception if it fails in multiple tries

Goutham Vijay

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Hi @balkishan

Personally, Find Element activity is the simplest. You can set it to find element on the logged-in page.
It simply moves forward with the automation as soon as it finds the specific element.

Its advantage:

  • you will not have to wait a fixed amount of time (true for both Delay and Element Exist)
  • you will not have to be dependent on the container of the On Element Appear activity

@loginerror can you please tell me where I have to use this Find Element activity you mean to on Login button ??

Login screen is attached when robo click on Login button so it’s takes so much time to login because of the internet speed, after 20-30 second robo thrown an exception unable to find the an element. Please guide :slight_smile:

Normally you would want to Find Element on the next page (the one you land on after login is completed).

This way:

  1. You enter credentials
  2. You click Login
  3. You wait until your Find Element finds an element on the next page
    (the timeout here can be anything, you can set it as high as you need)
  4. Your process will continue the moment your Find Element finds out an element on an already logged-in page, meaning the login was successful. If it didn’t find anything before its timeout, it will throw an exception which you should handle, most likely by retrying your login routine.
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Thanks for your response.
I capture the next element after clicking on Login button. So do I need to create a output variable in the property. Is it like Element Exist where we capture the element created a boolean variable.
So can you please which property I have to click on the right side.

There really isn’t the need. At the basic level, if it went past the activity, it already means all went well :slight_smile:
(that’s why it is quite convenient)

The output of the activity returns the Ui element variable with which you can later interact with.
I guess if you want to be super optimal in your code, you could return a variable for a specific Ui element and then use it in your next activity to click on it. I suppose there is a slight performance advantage, but it doesn’t really matter that much.

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Thanks @loginerror it’s really worked :slight_smile:

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For me, is the best option to use Find Element in order to wait until the logged-in page to continue. But is important to set a timeout big enough to wait any random amount of time (not the 30 seg default) for this Activity because the nature of low bandwith or overcharge applications.

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