Need some help to for data scrapping from salesforce report, which is dynamic(number of cases change).
Issue is when i am using Data scrapping wizard, fetching all columns and report is on single page, but i do need to scroll down to see new data rows- i am getting only certain number of rows like 26 or 27. But it’s 291 records in total and as i said it will keep on changing.
I used the same strategy as @Nithinkrishna for a similar website where more rows are displayed when you scroll down.
You keep scrolling down and extracting data in a loop until previous extraction rowcount matches the current extraction rowcount. Here is a more detailed explanation:
Initialize ExtractDataTable variable using Assign activity. (you need to use the same variable name here and in ‘Extract Table Data’ activity) ExtractDataTable = New DataTable
In a Do While Loop:
a. Use Assign activity to copy data to a new datatable variable. PreviousTable = ExtractDataTable.Copy
b. Scroll down the page using mouse scroll or PgDn key
c. Scrape data to ExtractDataTable variable
d. Set condition for Do-While activity to Not (ExtractDataTable.Rows.Count = PreviousTable.Rows.Count)
Write to excel or perform other actions you need on the datatable.