Getting InvalidOData error while trying to fetch queue items using Get Queue Items

I want to get data from queue for last 24 hours. I am trying to use Now.AddDays(-1) in from and leaving To empty but i am getting below error. I am using version 23.10.


Below is how my Get Queue Items properties lookslike.

Below is how my code looks like.


Welcome to the forum

can you check:

  • the usage of the right QueueName
  • UiPath Studio is attached to the right folder feed, which contains the Queue

Let us know also which Version of UiPath.System.Activities is used

It is 23.10.1 version

take a backup of your XAML / Project

try upgrading to 23.10.2 and try again
when it is failling again
try downgrading toa 22.10.X

Still the same. I Tried with 23.10.1, 22.10.1 & 22.10.3

in our crosscheck

  • 23.10.2
  • 22.10.8
    did work. We tested not all other versions explicitly

Please check the connection in assistant.

and please check the folder access.
if everything looks good please create one more queue and check if you can able to fetch or not.

Have you resolved this issue?
I encounter the same issue.

Where you able to resolve this issue?
I am running in the same problem.
The moment I add a value to the ā€œfromā€ property I get this error message.
With the ā€œfromā€ property I have no issue.

Same goes with the ā€œToā€ property.
I tried ā€œNow.AddDays(-1)ā€ as DateTime and as Nullable DateTime
I also tried ā€œNow.AddDays(-1).Dateā€ or just ā€œNowā€

Couldnt solve it. Probelm still exists. Tried all the options so far which i got to know.

Also have this bug, bumping to get UiPathā€™s attention


Bumping for attention, a very annoying bug!

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I found another post with the solution

Another way to fix this is removing the time filter in the activity Get queue items (putting anything in there will cause the issue), and then using Linq to filter the output. But to do this, I have to use the Postponed field or a specific content to store the transaction creation time.

Note that I tried to change system.acitivites package version (23.10.2/3/4 all failed), and use datatype Nullable(datetime) instead of system.datetime.

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Iā€™ll point out that I have had a similar but perhaps not identical issue, where Iā€™m getting this error. It was because the queue item reference contains an apostrophe, and removing/replacing that has allowed items to be returned. It may be worth checking your references.