pdf to excel activity
Getting below error
What is the error?
So you are not entering good information.
The input should look like :
{“date of service:, date of evaluation”, …} Since the type is ICollection you need to separate the values by commas
Lets say that you want to get all information from Start Date to End Date, you would type
{“Start Date:, End Date”}
Error : Value of type '1-dimensional array of String ’ Cannot be converted to ‘Boolean’
{“Date:,Vendor”, “Vendor:,Tax ID”, “Tax ID:,Client”, “Total, 1”,“Subtotal:,Tax”,“Tax:,Total”}
Here is an example for multiple results
showing same error {“date of service: ,date of evaluation”}
This is an object and you are passing it to a property which needs Boolean input @damodar99
Can you show send me any examples for the i need to change
i’m confused about what activity are you using right now
PDF TO Excel activities
Hi HareeshMr
You have any solutions in this one please let know
Can you please post the screenshot of the data you have in PDF @damodar99
What does that activity do? I don’t know, because i mistook it for some other activity
Just give a try as
- If the data in the PDF you have is in tabular form, then the value is TRUE
- Else FALSE @damodar99
What do you want from your activity?
I have a feeling that you are not using the correct one.
Are you trying to extract certain values from the PDF or?
It is not a tabular format, so try giving the value as FALSE @damodar99