Getting error while capturing text from the popup


Can someone please help me to resolve the issue

Hi @vaibhav2.chavan,

its missing attach window to pop up. Use attach window on pop up then use that get text

Still same issue

Can i see you selector/Target code ?

Sure but before that just want to check if i want to capture the text from below pop up what will be the variable type? String or String


Yes use String

ok Thanks, Now i want to capture the reference number here e.g : 1016
How to do that?

Use replace to delete all text before like:

YourString= YourString.replace(“all text before : “,””)

And you Will get only order number

Becouse all that its just a line


Use Get Text activity and indicate that text and it will give output as string and say “str”. And then try below expression to get required string from that.

      requiredString = str.Split(":"c)(1).Trim