Getting error in automating a process - Object reference not set to the instance of an object - Add Data Row

Sequence.xaml (15.2 KB)

Sathmonth needs to be initialised

I have initialised SalMonth

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Make sure that variable is not set with whole sequence as a scope in the variable panel under Scope field

If so kindly set the scope with relevant sequence container

cheers @Sagar_Gupta

Still dosen’t work

can you able to share the exception details?

object not set to an instance of an object - Add Data Row

May I know where salmon this value is obtained from


is “SalMonth” variable assigned with any value before the Add Data Row activity? if no - try to do a assign activity even with empty string.


As per the code, you have commented out read range which will store the data in datatable"IMAGEDATA".

Can you enable that code and try ?

I have created the process with a different file as that file could not be shared. Attaching the xaml along with the pdf.Main.xaml (15.5 KB) Invoice OD40826149238.pdf (87.5 KB)

I have attached the xaml and pdf file. Kindly check and please help.

Can you run the attached code and see the results

Main.xaml (27.3 KB)

No,it didn’t work. You have not captured the other 2 data, Order Date and TinNo. Also,data is not written to output file.

put the Message box after get text and send me the scrennshot of the output in message box