Getting error Argument 'PdfFile': BC30512: Option Strict On disallows implicit conversions from 'String' to 'IResource'. The selected value is incompatible with the property type

I am doing PDF Automation so while using pdf page count activity i am getting following error.

Argument ‘PdfFile’: BC30512: Option Strict On disallows implicit conversions from ‘String’ to ‘IResource’. The selected value is incompatible with the property type.

the thing is i have run my whole code without error, I have used count pdf activity in those code 7 days back and it was running ok, but now I have started with fresh new process and try to run same code it is showing following error. what would be the solution.


Check in the variables panel, the variable type
If there are any duplicates in the variables

Hope it helps!!

Hi @88df85c674e849c463fb167b9

Check the below thread

Try updating UiPath.System.Activities to the latest version by keeping Runtime Rule as Lowest As Applicable.

Hope it helps