Getting below error in Uipath Studio

Error happens only in my system , same steps performed in another system didnot error .
Please help

So package are not installed

Please check that @Abhishek_aithal

Hi @Abhishek_aithal,

If Package is installed and still facing the issue. Then go to manage packages and Project dependencies and select that particular package and pick a lower version of that package.
Try this out.
Happy Automation!

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When i try to import package , its showing only one version .
But my other devices shows different versions of .
I have created my bot using 2016 version which is not available in this system to be imported .

Could you please let me know if i have to check anything in .net

Hi Team ,
Any idea on this ?
I am trying to install one package as shown in the screenshot .
In my system , i am able to see only one version of it available .
In other systems , it shows many versions which can be selected .

I am also unable to access packages installed in packages folder locally , through studio .
I have placed the right file in right folder . but its not visible in studio .

Appreciate any help .