Getting an error: "System error at initialization: The given key was not present in the dictionary. at Source: mscorlib" while running main.xaml file

I am getting the error: “System error at initialization: The given key was not present in the dictionary. at Source: mscorlib” and after that all applications are getting closed. I referred to this link: UiPath Forum Help for same error but it didn’t help as I checked spelling of keys and spaces in arguement and in excel and everything seemed perfect.
I also uploaded UiDemo Reframework Level 3 zip file here. Please check xaml file if you could figure out what’s the error. (1.8 MB)


It seems your Config.xlsx does not have “logF_BusinessProcessName”.

Can you add above to your config file? You can know it if you create a new project from Robotic Enterprise Framework template.


Thanks, now I added “logF_BusinessProcessName” in config file which was missing. But, now after running again, I am getting these errors: "Invoke Workflow File: The values provided for the root activity’s arguments did not satisfy the root activity’s requirements:
‘GetAppCredentials’: The following keys from the input dictionary do not map to arguments and must be removed: Argument1. Please note that argument names are case sensitive.
Parameter name: rootArgumentValues"


It seems mismatching argument between invoke wf activity and called workflow.

Can you save all files and re-input all arguments of the invoke workflow file activity?


I am unable to figure which xaml file has mismatching argument. Also, I deugged it and found while typing password, its showing error as: “Type Secure Text ‘editable text pass’: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: securePassword” I have already entered pass field in type secure text.

Please help me to figure out how can I resolve all these issues


In UiDemo_Login.xaml, Invoke workflow file activity which invokes “GetAppCredentials.xaml” has extra argument “Argument1”.
If you edit the activity’s argument, it will be automatically deleted probably or delete manually it.

“Type Secure Text ‘editable text pass’: Value cannot be null.

Because “GetAppCredentials.xaml” does not work for above exception.
If you fix the above argument problem, it might be solved.


I removed the extra arguement “Arguement1” which invoked “GetAppCredentials.xaml” file but I am still getting error: “Type Secure Text ‘editable text pass’: Value cannot be null." for password field. And in “GetAppCredentials.xaml” file, error message box is popping which I added for exception handling.


You failed at GetCredential activity because of invalid parameter.

In InitAllApplication.xaml, there is no value in argument of Invoke Wrokflow file activity which invoke “UiDemo_Login.xaml”. You need to set value to it.
