Getting 0/100 from generate yearly report?

How can i contact the support plz ?


Did you follow all below mentioned steps ?

  1. You can’t reset the data before uploading assignment for evaluation.

  2. All WI5 item status should be completed.

  3. Login credentials should be same for both UiPath academy and ACME website.

  4. Don’t hard code credentials or anything directly into the process. Save the credentials either Orchestrator Assets or Windows credential manager. Remaining application URL and all write into Config file and read from there.

If you followed all the above mentioned steps then record the session while executing the BOT and upload the video along with the Assignment.


i think i have a problem, my process doesnt stop and its like a infinite loop on TaxID FR322345
I stopped the process manually



Can you run the process in Debug mode and check the issue.

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There is no issue if i don’t stop the process still runing
Is it normal that the process run during 1 hour ?

How can i contact the support plz ?