"Getoutmailmessages" is not working

“GetOutlookmailmessages” is NOT working in Windows 7, Outlook 2010 and same bot/activity is working fine in Windows 10, Outlook 2016.

It is throwing error as “Specfic Folder doesnot exist”.

does anyone have solution for this.

Thanks in advance…

Best Regards,

Can you post the folder name you are trying to give?

And, for the same problem, rebuilding the entire activity again works. Leave the existing and try to build the new one @pradeepkintali

Hi Hareesh (@HareeshMR)

Thanks for your response…

I tried with new sequence, it is not working.
i’ve given folder as “Inbox” later “Inbox\RPA” (i’ve RPA folder inside Inbox in my outlook).

Best Regards,

Are you able to get the messages from Inbox? @pradeepkintali

Is it the same user? Maybe the Studio is having problem with the User rather then the Folder?
How did you setup your properties in Get Outlook Mail activity?

(I am just guessing, this topic is an interesting one)

Hareesh (@HareeshMR) - No, not able to get messages from any folder.

@srdjan.suc - User is different, hence i changed the “Account” property.

Okay. See if this checks out with you (since for example my user was srdjan.suc but i typed srdjan.suc@example.com

just found the source of the problem. Try this: Control Panel → Mail (32-bit) →
email tab. The “name” field of the email account is what you need to use in the “Send Outlook Mail” activity,
NOT necessarily your email address. That could absolutely have been documented better on the UI Path website!

Hi @srdjan.suc , - based on your post i’ve navigated to the path in both the machines.
I can see one difference i.e in Windows 10, outlook 2016 machine “Name” is showing as pradeep.kintali@example.com"

but for windows,outlook 2010 machine “Name” is showing as “Microsoft Exchange”, here now i’ve edited the name to “pradeep.kintali@example1.com

but No luck, Same error.