Getappcredentials is missing in framework

Thank you so much

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This is the solution. Works fine

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Hi @Miguel_Hailer,

Yes you can get it from git.

Please Note: In Production, you might want to avoid using the GetAppCredentials.xaml file, for a more controlled behavior. You typically know the exact location of a set of credentials, which enables you to retrieve them easily. If the credentials are stored in Orchestrator as Assets, simply use the Get Credential activity.

So alternatively, you can use ‘Get Orchestrator Credential’ activity and fetch credentials.

Also note that, if you use or plan to use workflow analyzer on your code, per those analyzer rules as well, it is not advisable to use GetAppCredentials.xaml file anymore. You will be thrown errors on its usage.

Hope this helps.



thank you, it helped me a lot


I am glad to hear that :slight_smile:


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tks :wink:

This worked for me. Thanks

I’ve also got the same problem