I’m trying to get all 10 transaction Item information
And then to use these information in my process.xaml.
How do I proceed to achieve this?
Thank you !
I’m trying to get all 10 transaction Item information
And then to use these information in my process.xaml.
How do I proceed to achieve this?
Thank you !
First store entire text in a string variable and say ‘str’ and then try below expression.
RequestorName - str.substring("RequestorName: "+"RequestorName: ".length).split(Environment.NewLine.TocharArray)(0)
RequestDate -
str.substring("RequestDate: "+"RequestorDate: ".length).split(Environment.NewLine.TocharArray)(0)
I’m trying to apply what you said, but i have this error :
Sorry, it is in French. Do not hesitate if you need translation.
{I replaced “str” by “TransactionItemContent” in String}
Thank you.
I guess you declared ‘RequestorName’ variable as double. If yes then change it string and then try.
Strangely, “RequestorName” is declared as a string and not as double. I don’t know why i have this error.
Try like this:
str.substring("RequestorName: "+"RequestorName: ".length).split(Environment.NewLine.TocharArray)(0).Tostring
It does not resolve the problem, it is still the same error…
I tried with variable and no argument, argument and no variable, etc. Nothing.
Thank you for the time you spent for a such little problem
Ok, i found something with this the error disappear : str.substring("RequestorName: ".length).split(Environment.NewLine.TocharArray)(0).Tostring
However I don’t know why ^^’