Get the tabular data from multiple PDF files and export the data to the Share Point Excel sheet

Dear All,

I need to get the tabular data from multiple PDF files and export the data to the Share Point Excel sheet. Kindly help me with activities or solution for this requirement.

Thank you
Pavan Patil

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Hey @Pavan_Patil

I assume the PDF file is going to have a structured table in the doc.

  1. Read PDF Text

  2. String manipulate using functions like split, join etc to extract only the raw table data removing other extra content

  3. Generate Data Table

There can be some variations in the above steps based on the usecase scenario and data format. Please consider the above as generic and be flexible to add slight modifications as required.

Hope this helps.



Generate DataTable

Using for each - read pdf files

With string manipulation write the data into DataTable according to the columns

Write the DataTable in to the SharePoint Excel Sheet


can you share the workflow file?