Get the date format from given string

String Input : 13/2/2020 in flight travel confirmation report 30-Mar-2020 - 1-Apr-2020

Output :30-Mar-2020

From above input, i want to get output as 30-Mar-2020 …using regex match concept…can anyone help me on this, how can i do that?

@saneeth_kandukuri Can you Check with this expression :
System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Matches(“13/2/2020 in flight travel confirmation report 30-Mar-2020 - 1-Apr-2020”,“\d\d-\w+-\d{4}”)(0)

Also this only works if the Date is in the same format always

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Can you try this by Split option
input.Split(new String() {"report “,” - "}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)(0).trim

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