Get Text from Outlook email body

Get Text from Outlook email body
Get Text from Outlook email body
Get Text from Outlook email body
Get Text from Outlook email body
Get Text from Outlook email body
Get Text from Outlook email body
Get Text from Outlook email body
Get Text from Outlook email body
Get Text from Outlook email body

Hello @sameer.belekar
Try to get the email body as text and then try to extract it using Regular Expressions.

Hope this helps.

I will give a try. Thank you.

You can try This regex expression
If otp is fixes 6 digit then try following.

System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(“hello thre 532443 it the otp”,“\d{6}”).ToString

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Yes it is fix 6 digit and also I have observed that email normally take a minutes time to reach inbox so I have to make the program wait for 1-2 min, for OTP email to appear. Thank you so much for time and efforts

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If problem is solved just mark that thread as solution and close the thread so it will help others.
Thanks and regars.

Hello Shubham

I am still working on it.

so now found solution of this automation
it was very simple we have to read the email, create variable to store read email by filter set.

here I have set filter as “[subject] = ‘Admin MIS :: Login’”

Then take ForEach loop in that under assign activity use Item,Body in value to use, in my case it was mail.body

After this use one assign in which we will split the value obtain from 1st assign, I have spilt on space

This was the OTP I was looking out. I am going to send this other workflow where it will be used ahead, Hope this will be helpfull :slight_smile:

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