Get Text error in currency converter RPA Starter course

I am working on Currency converter training. I have a problem in get text activity which indicates the right exchange rateCapture Since value will be different every time, we use anchor element as well. When i tried to save retrieved text into excel file, i am getting the same value for all the rows

This is the workflow Can someone pls tell me what is the mistake here. Thanks

Running into the same issue. I re-entered the Get Text ‘INPUT’ card and made sure the indicator field was blank, as opposed to the 1.08. Doing this made it so the first two entries were populated correctly, but the remaining were duplicates of row 2.

I Have the same issue, anyone solved it ?

Hello, i Solve it issue.
I change the page from “currence converter” to and i put the action close tab before action get text.
Works for me.

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