Get Text activity is extracting unexpected character

Hi Everyone,

I need help with my situation.

I extracted a string using the get text activity and saved it in a string variable.


Hi Alvin,

Please see additional information for your reference

IMSO: 7106137458

Invoice number: 9925548608


as you can see there is a @ symbol prior the double quotation marks.

when i tried to use replace function, it’s not removing the @ symbol.

Hope someone can guide me accordingly


Hi @alvin.c.apostol26

Check the below thread.

you get the @ symbol in Locals Panel while you debug the workflow but while you print it in Message box who won’t get that.



inputString = @"
Hi Alvin,

Please see additional information for your reference

IMSO: 7106137458

Invoice number: 9925548608


cleanedString = inputString.Trim().TrimStart("@"c)

Hi @alvin.c.apostol26

I think you are copying the text from the locals panel. In the locals panel you get the way as in below image

to get the whole string in one line you can use below syntax:

originalText= "This Is the sample
String text For testing"
cleanedText= originalText.ReplaceLineEndings(" ")

Hope it helps!!


FYI, the following document will help you. (It’s C# syntax)


Oh my! I did not expect that I’m already doing the right thing. Thanks for you quick response

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