Get Row Item from Next Column

Hi, I am new to UI Path and trying to do the following function:
Search for the word “Title” from the first column and get the row item that it spits out i.e. “Engineer” in the adjacent column.
Can anyone help?
Thank you


Try using select statement“ColName= ‘searchvalue’”) this will return you array of datarow and then from this you can get the corresponding row item
Or you can say“ColName= ‘searchvalue’”).copytodatatable and this will convert to datatable and you can get the corresponding value.

Let us know if this helps.
Pavan H

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I’m still a beginner, can you walk me through this please?

HI @kareenshehab

To extend the answer of @pavanh003, use the below steps.

I assume the columns you have are from a excel file and you are reading the excel file using Read Range activity.

Read range activity output is a datatable variable.
2. After the read range, use an Assign activity.
3. Create another datatable variable to hold the filtered results under the variables panel down below in your screen.
4. Now, in the assign activity, include the condition you need in the way @pavanh003 have mentioned in his answer

and for the To segment of the assign activity, include the new data table variable you created. This will give you the expected output

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here is the sample workflow for your reference.
Main.xaml (7.1 KB)
Test.xlsx (8.2 KB)

Let us know if this helps,
Pavan H

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