Get Outlook mail message error-incorrect count

Hello All,

I am getting incorrect count by using “getoutlookmailmessage” acitivity.

We have 600+ emails unread in outlook, “get lout look mail message” is returning only 500+ emails.

I filtered with top 1000 message

Please suggest any alternative activity ?


Outlook downloads a limited number of emails. There is possibility outlook not fully downloaded all the emails.

Try processing the emails in batches like, pick first 100 - 200 - 500 max.

Hi @ashokkarale ,

You mean two activity one by one and adding them to list ?

Can you please show me flow of it ?


if possible try with office 365 activities that should allow you to get all

also it should be able to get all mails mormally as well other than in a very rare case of outlook archiving which I dont think might happen…try to check till where you are getting…or to verify from to load mail in outlook till 600 and then use activity to confirm if loading is an issue



I mean use a loop like While or do while and iterate till there are unread emails in the email folder.