Get outlook mail message... does Cloud based works?(coz giving error folder does not exist)

Hi, I wanted to ask that while using the activity “get outlook mail message” in the input of MailFolder, do we need to provide the path of only the MS Outlook desktop app and does Cloud based Outlook app wont work?.. here ill give more details…I have all Office Apps as Cloud Based and not on the PC itself so do I need to install Outlook on PC for it to work?


No you can’t directly use the cloud account by using get outlook mail message activity. Get outlook mail messages activity takes the default account in your PC so it’s mandatory to install the outlook in your PC if you want to use this activity.


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Thanks! One more thing I just want to make sure XD …will it work with any Office 365 license or will work with any 2010+ versions


For office 365 you have separate activities so you can use those activities by downloading the package and the package is UiPath.Microsoftoffice365.activities


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Hi @Shreyas_Khorgade
Without desktop Outlook Application,We cannot use get outlook mail message activity even with cloud account too.

Hope it helps!!

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Sorry to bother you again but I just want to make sure XD … So for Office 365 the same activity “get outlook mail message” won’t work, right? I’ll have to get Office 2010+ licenses for it to work?

Thanks a lot!! I’ll keep it in mind.

Yes,it won’t work

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Get outlook mail messages will not work.


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Thank you all for helping me out!!!


If you find solution for your query please mark as solution to close the loop


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