Get Outlook Mail Message Advanced Filter Criteria


For the email, I have tried many different combinations “urn:schemas:httpmail:xxx" where from xxx I tried email, mail, sender, senderemail, senderemailaddress and none of them worked for me. I took me several days to find the answer.

I was only able to get it with this sentence. Just copy and paste and change the email.

“@SQL= ““”” like ‘’”

If you want to use a variable instead of a fix value. Define it before the GET OUTLOOK MAIL activity with an ASSIGN Box and named it for later use (I used EmailDe as the name of my variable)

Then inside the filter just replace the with the following… where you can see I cut the string after the first % with a " then I concatenate it with + EmailDe + and open again the string with a " to be able to finish with a % then a ’ and then a "

“@SQL= ““”” like '%”+EmailDe+“%'”

If you want to add new conditions just do not close the string with a " and just add an AND… and remember to close the whole string with a "

Here you have an example where I check the sender email, and if the subject contains a string I previously add in a variable named Codigo and if the email has attachment. I have seen that you are using TRUE but that didn’t worked for me either and I use =1.

“@SQL= ““”” like '%”+EmailDe+“%’ and urn:schemas:httpmail:subject like '%”+Codigo+“%’ and urn:schemas:httpmail:hasattachment=1”

Hope it helps!