Get Orchestrator Asset - activity - errror on Output value


Suddenly, my process started giving me error in that place.

Nothing has changed in orchestrator since last 2 months process was build and I ran the process many time since its build. No orchestrator asset value changed.

How can a process suddenly starts giving error while nothing is changed.

Can someone help and why it’s started showing error?


Can you please change the varAssetValue type to genericvalue and check if it resolves



You can try removing that value from result. Type “var” and wait for the variable list to display and select the variable “varAssetValue” from that list.
Sometimes this issue occurs you can try using the above steps.
Also you can close the project once and reopen it.

I tried this and it did’t work.

It is GenericValue already.


it looks like the initallsetings…

try to create a new ref…and copyt he initallsettings.xam from that to the current project and check if that solves


I tried that too.
I copyed the whole InitSettings.xml from an-other wokring project to this but it still giving same error.

Hi @Ellen

Here are the things you can try

  1. Delete the variable and create it again with same name and type
  2. Delete the activity and Drag and drop it again and to same as mention it above
  3. go to previous version of package

Hope this helps


Just to check go to the following folder and rename the packages folder and reopen the project and then try



You shouldn’t use GenericValue. You should use what the activity wants. In this case, it’s string. Delete the varAssetValue variable from the variables pane. Then clear out the Value property. Then with your cursor in the Value property press CTRL+K, type varAssetValue, and press enter. This will create the correct variable. All activity input and output properties have this CTRL+K feature.

It worked with GenericValue all time.

I created variable again and It added variable as Object.

but when i ran the process. it gave error again.


I had not changed any settings of credentials in orchestrator Asset. Its same and it had worked before but now its giving error.

If what you’re trying to get is a credential asset then you need to use the Get Credential activity.

But It has worked for 1 month with the same activity. So why I suddenly need to change it?

PLUS Im not retriving credentials in InitAllSettings file…

In Process file … im retriving the Asset I need from orchestrator… have a look

so why I need to change it there when I retrieve in process.

Have you made any changes to things? Upgraded Studio, Robot, or Orchestrator?

no nothing changes and thats the reason i dont understand why it has sudden stoped working.