Get Opportunities data on GeBIZ website

Hello, I would like to ask, does anyone know how to get the data from Opportunities (Closed → Awarded) on Singapore’s GeBIZ website**(**?

  1. Especially if the data of “Awarded to” is displayed as “Multiple Suppliers”, how can I use UiPath to obtain specific information (Awarded to / Award Value / Awarded)?
  2. If there is an interruption while fetching Opportunities data, how to use UiPath to continue fetching data?
  3. When using Data Scraping to capture data, as shown in the figure below, “Tender-GVT000ETT19300033 / GVT (T) -19025” cannot be captured together with other data. How can I obtain this data and other data in the screenshot together?

you can use Get Text Activity and indicate anchor for better accuracy and modify the selectors accordingly,

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But what I need is to get a lot of data, not just one. How can I get the data I want in a loop using Get Text Activity, has anyone tried it? Give me a reference?

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you have to one or more Get Text activity then!

As shown in the picture, this is just a set of data, there are tens of thousands of such data, and then there are many fields in each set of data that need to be obtained, and pages need to be turned. How do I use Get Text Activity?