Get OCR Text error - parameter source cannot be null - how to determine if there's text?

Except there is no parameter named source.

I’m pretty sure this error is actually being caused by there being no text in the clipping region, and therefore the image passed to the OCR activity is null - but it shouldn’t be null, it should be an image of a white box, and then the OCR just returns an empty string. Because that’s what I’m using Get OCR Text for - to find out if there is text there or not. Why can’t it just return an empty string if there’s no text to OCR?

So how am I supposed to find out, in a Citrix app window, if there is text at a certain location or not? This worked fine the way I’m doing it in the v19x activities, but not in the v21x activities.

Yes I’ve read other threads on this topic, and they weren’t any help.

Another problem is I can’t even indicate the target object (which is a Citrix app window) because it just tells me the Citrix plugin isn’t installed (Which I already know, and is WHY I’m using OCR) on the Citrix server and then doesn’t populate the selector. Although this probably doesn’t matter since it’s in an application scope already.