Get No.of retries from Orchestrator queue

Hi I need to get No.of retries from Orchestrator queue through Orchestrator HTTP Request Activity.

Endpoint point -“/odata/QueueDefinition”
My Queue name is “test_queue”

How to take the retry count based on queue name .

Please help


Deserialize the response json string and jobj(“MaxNumberOfRetries”).ToString will give you the count


Thanks for the reply,But where should i pass the queue name .


You have to send the queue key…for getting that get all queue then get the key or from
The list of definitions you can get it

Please check the swagger for more details



You need to call two APIs
First hit API to get Queue ID through Queue name.
Second Hit API to get desire data through Queue ID.

Hi @tharaninatarajan1901, @Anil_G and @raja.arslankhan,

Use GET on “/odata/QueueDefinitions” endpoint (may differ in community edition)

This will return a "value" key in the response string which is a json array. This array is ordered oldest first, i.e., the first index is the queue definitions of the oldest created queue in a given folder. All the related data of each queue in the folder is within this json array.

You will then need to filter out the queue you are interested in and get the value for the "MaxNumberOfRetries" key

For example, the following will get you the MaxNumberOfRetries from the oldest queue in the folder

Orchestrator HTTP request activity
Orchestrator HTTP request is a handy activity to quickly prototype your API calls, as you can skip the authentication part (Studio already autheticates the user)

You will need the Web.API.Activities as a dependency

Sample file :
GetMaxRetriesFromQueue.xaml (12.7 KB)

ThunderClient is my recommendation. It allows you to reproduce your API calls in many different languages (set it up once, use it in many use cases)


@jeevith Thanks for brief guidance. I did already and @tharaninatarajan1901 will get help from this.


Thanks for the response…

The screenshot provided above is the queuedefinition winth key…assuming the key is know…as the key is not known we can go with the other route and in the filters the queue name firld can be added to get the required queue fetails from The queuedefinition api alone


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