Get Jobs Don't List All Options From Orchestrator

Hi! Sorry if I open the post in wrong category…

I have a correct element “UiPath.Core.Activities.GetJobs()”, it returns me all Pedding jobs that I filter "State eq ‘Pending’ Or (State eq ‘Running’ And Robot/Id eq " & RoboID & “)”, everything works fine.

My problem is this element doesn’t return me all options I need like “Jobs Priority (Low, Normal or High)” and what Robot ID the Job is allocated (Specific ID (Which ID?) or Dinamyc ID)?

Is there any easy way to get from Orchestrator All Pedding Jobs with your “Name”, “Priority” and “Robot ID” (“Create Time” and "Who Start Job (Manual or Automatic) is a Plus)?

Thank you.

Hi @Marco_HVS

Did you get a change to into Orchestrator Manager ? You can download this in UiPath Market place and test

This is not only jobs, It has various options like Assets, Credential Assets retrival etc.,

Hope this may help you


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You can try with swagger first to check filter option for get jobs.

Here you have documentation that could help: Jobs Requests

If you need more complicated query i would recommend to use Orchestartor http request activity. You should be able to use link from swagger to generate that request :slight_smile:

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I found a Solution!!

I use “Orchestrator HTTP Request” and query with "/odata/Jobs?$filter=JobPriority eq 'High' and StartTime eq null"… I can’t find using “State = ‘Pending’”, then filter by JobPriority High and StartTime null (the process hasn’t started yet), with this I get all data job that I need.


If you are looking for pending and the job that is pending is dynamically allocated you shouldn’t use robot id or machine in your filter because this job doesnt have that value

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