Get Jobs Activity

How to get the job status of a particular process whether it is successful or faulted in orchestrator from uipath studio.

I have tried get jobs activity and in filter property i added as “State eq ‘Successful’” but it is showing error as “Get Jobs: Operation returned an invalid status code ‘BadRequest’”
And also can you tell me what we want to mention in OrchestratorFolderPath property.

Thanks in advance.


the filter should be fine, I used the same, and it works.
Can you show the code or did you use some other propriety?

OrchestratorFolderPath propriety needs when you want to search in a specific folder of your Orchestrator (if you use it to divide your jobs in folders), so if you don’t need it can be empty (it’s an optional field).

regards, Gio

Hi Gio,

I just used get jobs activity and in that filter property added as “State eq ‘Successful’”. When i execute this activtiy getting error as “Get Jobs: Operation returned an invalid status code ‘BadRequest’”.


maybe single quote mark is not correct. If I copy your filter to my code it returns the same error.

If I write "State eq ‘Successful’” return the right results.

This ’ (ASCII 39) is different than ‘ (ASCII 8216) :slight_smile:

regards, Giovanni

After changing that single quote mark now I am getting error as “Get Jobs: Operation returned an invalid status code ‘Forbidden’”


now “Forbidden” means that your robot hasn’t the authorization. You should add permission to Robots’ role into the Orchestrator.

regards, Gio