Get IMAP Mail Messages FilterExpression

When using the Get IMAP mail messages activity, there is a property called FilterExpression. Can this be filled in with a variable?

Issue Description: When using the Get IMAP mail messages activity, there is a property called FilterExpression. Can this be filled in with a variable? Example SUBJECT variable instead of a fixed value like SUBJECT Invoice.

Resolution: Without the variable, filter as: "SUBJECT ""Welcome""". Since you are using a string variable, the nearest quotes to the filter word(s) would be automatically added in filter expression, hence you don't need to add them.

In order to pass the variable to the filtering expression you have to do the following steps:

  1. Create the variable before the "Get IMAP " activity:


  1. Add the following text "SUBJECT "& Filtering_Variable &"" in the filtering expression cell:


Reference Get IMap Mail Messages .