I need to get the data into a data table based on the ticket number.
For example if I have the ticket number as : 14876 then I need to get rowsstarting ticket number to totalall rows into a data table. { 3rd highlighted section}
If the ticket number is: 123456 then I need to get rows starting ticket number to total all rows in data table. {1st highlighted Section)
I am able to get the ticket number data row index using : lookupdatatable activity.
I need to get the total row index immediately after the corresponding ticket number.
How do I achieve this thankyou. attached a sample excel file below test.xlsx (9.3 KB)
dt.AsEnumerablw.Where(function(x) x(0).ToString.Equals("Total")).Select(function(x) dt.Rows.IndexOf(x)).ToArray() this will give the row numbers of all the total related rows…
From the lookup table you know the start row number…now find the closest total which is after the identified lookup row…
then copy those rows to a separate datatable…dt.AsEnumerable.Where(function(x) dt.Rows.IndexOf(x) >= startRow AndAlso dt.Rows.IndexOf(x)<TotalArray.Where(function(x) startRow<x)(0)).CopyToDataTable
I have created a dictionary called as dt_dict which is of type <String, Datatable>will have your ticket number as key and The values below the ticket number row as datatable until a blank row is met