Message: Key not valid for use in specified state Get Password

Hi All,

I am facing the error “Get Exchange Mail Messages: Key not valid for use in specified state.” when I try to retrieve emails from a mailbox using Get exchange mail messages activity

Please share your thoughts and help me to solve this

Thank you

Hey @palepu.kumar1

What’s the type of authentication you are using here please ?

Also the version of activities ?


hi @Nithinkrishna,

The authentication type we are using is “Interactive” and the version of the mail packages is “1.18.1”

Thank you,

In my work, we found solution for this by going to %appdata%\UiPath\authentication
and deleting all the “*msalcache.bin3” files .

This makes it so that next time you try to run the xaml, you are asked to authenticate again.
After doing this, the token files should come back and you manage to authenticate.

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