Get Download folder of Chrome from shadow root

This has been asked previously but I have not been able to reproduce any of the methods successfully when trying to get the Chrome downloads path from the Settings > Downloads tab (chrome://settings/downloads) in Chrome.

  1. I tried using an Inject JS Script activity to select the element with Javascript but it will not allow injection to body of any chrome:// pages (<webctrl tag='body' />). Is this generally blocked?

  2. I also tried selecting the element with Get Text or Get Attribute activities but I can’t seem to reliably target the element from the shadow root with the UI Explorer or a Selector Editor.

Can anyone help shed some light on whether this is possible at all or if I should forget about it?
Also, are there other means to reliably get the user download path from Chrome?

You could test to read the Chrome preferences file and extract the download folder value.

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You can try this…These are reliable selectors…Please let me know if you have issues

Loop Now is what you need to run
PepProcess - Copy (9).zip (7.9 KB)


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@ptrobot, thanks for the idea. I went that route, too, and the path to the Chrome Preferences file can be looked up at chrome://version/ first. This seemed to work as well.

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