Get Credential: Folder does not exist or the user does not have access to the folder. Error code: 1100; Asset name: row("Asset").ToString

When I run my process i have this error ,
i have this error
how we resovle the issue please?

Best regards


Hi @nora_ziani

The asset value should be of type object…did you give the same?


Hello @Anil_G
by default , it is displplayed like this in the reframework , (generic value as default type )

Best regards

Hi @nora_ziani

Click on it from drop down select object


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the issue is still there

Best regards


Are you trying to get credential if so there is one more activity get credential please use that


So this is because of the new application cards, which I really do not like.

Previously it would always display the code, but now it has two display modes. Ones where it displays a hard coded string (without quotation marks) and one with the code.

You application card is currently in the hard coded string mode (without quotation marks).
As a result its the equivalent of passing "row(""OrchestratorAssetFolder"").ToString" in the previous version. This will obvious result in a folder not found as you do not have a folder with that name. The clue is also in the error, you’ll see its telling you it cannot find a folder and specifies the value you added as if the entire expression was a hard coded string, rather than evaluating the expression and displaying the result. Read your error messages people, they tell you alot :stuck_out_tongue:

you must clear the value using the x that you see and then click on the plus and then select advanced editor.

UiPath have tried to make their application cards much simpler for very basic users and I fear they have ironically made them much much more confusing and annoying for all the other users.


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