I have created a credential asset in my orchestrator for one of my workflows. However, when I try to run the “Get Credential” activity, I receive an error saying it cannot find the asset. Any information on a fix would be greatly appreciated.
Are you sure the name of the Asset and what you put into the Get Credential activity are the same?
Is your Robot in the same folder as the Asset?
Have a view on this thread
Hello @jokano1
- Make sure you are trying to access the Asset that your studio has connected
- Try updating the System.Activities package and see how it goes
Yes, the Asset is the same name and in the same folder as the Robot.
Are you sure? These are the two things that cause the error you’re reporting. One of them must be incorrect.
I checked the forum post you linked and I tested that fix, but it doesnt work. I even tried adding the Asset in different folders, but still could not get it to work.
I attached two screenshots, one showing the Orchestrator connection in Studio and what folder it shows in Orchestrator. The other shows that the name of the asset is the same. I am looking at the wrong areas for the suggestions you mentioned above?
In Studio, go to the Resources tab, expand Assets. Do you see the Asset there?
Hey @jokano1
Go to Resources Tab in the studio right hand side → Open Assets → See if your credential asset is visible confirms you are on the right folder → Drag and drop that into the designer panel which suggests you with a set of activities and then choose Get Credential
which automatically adds props to the activity.
Try this way please which should give positive result !
Hope this helps
I am looking at my Studio, but I do not have a “Resource” Panel instead I have an “Orchestrator Resources” Panel. Is this Resource panel something that has to be provisioned by an admin to the specific user? I believe this may be the issue at hand.
Please use Orchestrator Resources only.
This is the tab I have, not the “Resources” one. And the only thing in the tab is a link to my orchestrator.
What’s the version of your studio please ?
Studio Pro 2020.4.1
@jokano1 Did you try updating the System.Activities Package
Okay so your asset type is also credential right ?
the steps you should remember check
robot connected with orchestrator
asset name with case sense
permission for specific role