Get Asset Value 에 관련 에러

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Asset value를 건드리지 않았구요… 기존에 ACME_Credential 그대로 인데요…

혹시 해결하신 꿀팀은 있는가요?


Is ACME_Credential is under Settings or Assets sheet in config file ?

You have to write this in Settings sheet.

yeah , i`m already setting ACME_Credential sheetConfig.xlsx (21.5 KB)


Have you created any asset named Type in Orchestrator Assets ?

If not then delete it from Assets sheet and then try again.

no, i try delete to ACME_Credential and create new.

still the error


I am not talking about ACME_Credential asset.

Could you please check Assets sheet in attached config file. You wrote asset name as Type. I am asking have you created any asset with this name in Orchestrator or not ?

If you didn’t create any asset with that name then delete it.

not in Orchestrator


Then why you wrote that Asset here. Delete that entire row and then try once.

okay, i try to delete and create again in orchestrator asset ,


Thansk iskshman

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