Get Asset/Get Credentials - Logins set up as Assets in Orchestrator


Could someone be able to explain to me the use of the Get Asset and Get Credential activities for when the logins have been set up in Orchestrator?



usually in orchestrator we got an option to store the variables that can be used by any robot connected to that orchstrator and it is called as ASSETS in that we can store any variable like text,integer,boolean and credentials
–so if we use text,integer and boolean variable then we need to use GET ASSETS to access those credentials in our studio
–while if we use credentials type in orchestrator and store username and password then we need to use get credentials in the studio to access them
and the output variable type of username is string while password is secure string
–so to type string we can normally use type into activity while to type secure string variable we need to type secure string activity

hope this would help you buddy
Cheers @shawnmurray


If you have a value which you are passing to every workflow and process you are designing , then instead of passing it or creating variables in every workflow, simply store it one time in orchestrator and get that value from orchestrator using Get Asset activity @shawnmurray

Similarly, if we have multiple systems to login and everytime instead pf passing the values as variables , store them in orchestrator and retrieve using get credentials and use them to enter the username and password

Thats really helpful guys thank you!

So Assets are for storing Variables that you want to re-use and Credentials are for storing Logins you want to re-use!

Do you know where i could find an example of using Get Credential activity to login somewhere?

Thanks @Palaniyappan @HareeshMR

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we can create a asset in orchestrator and connect our machine to that orchestrator and make use of those credentials created with a activity called GET CREDENTIALS in our studio

Cheers @shawnmurray

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So do i specify where the login details go and the use the get credentials or how does it know where to put the login in details? @Palaniyappan


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lets take like you want to login to FACEBOOK
where we will be having username and password to be entered before login in
–so create a asset in the orchestrator where we have connected our machine
–get the asset name and use a GET CREDENTIALS activity in our studio and mention that asset name between double quotes as input
–and get the output with a variable of type string for USERNAME and secure string for PASSWORD
–now we can simply use a TYPE INTO ACTIVITY and pass that username output variable as input here that would type the username in the login field of facebook
–similar for password variable of type - secure string use a activity called TYPE SECURE STRING and mention that variable as input that would type the password to the login field in facebook

simple isnt it
hope this would help you
Cheers @shawnmurray


did that work buddy
were we facing any issue in that
kindly let know if any
Cheers @shawnmurray

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So i will have to publish this to a robot for testing, is that correct?

Thanks @Palaniyappan

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no not necessary that we need to publish
we need only our robot to be connected to the orchestrator only then our studio can access those assets with the connected orchestrator
Cheers @shawnmurray

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I have got it working , thank you very much!

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Cheers @shawnmurray

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